FPGAaudio engineeringsound synthesis

MusiLinx: An FPGA-Based Audio Synthesizer

MusiLinx Overview

Most audio synthesis is done using analog circuits, allowing for the generation, modification, and mixing to be done in real-time and at very low power; however, these circuits tend to be very large and rigid, meaning they cannot be updated or modified later. CPUs can be used to generate audio; however, they are not very power efficient or performant. FPGAs can be used to achieve better power efficiency and performance, while being less rigid than fully analog circuits. We present MusiLinx, an audio synthesizer that was fully implemented on a Nexys Video Artix-7 FPGA.

Final Report

A Final Report was written to discuss the implementation of MusiLinx and can be found here.


My team and I created a video to demonstrate how to use MusiLinx and some of its features. This video can be found in Dropbox here.